Unprecedented market turmoil requires securities and investments firms to constantly adapt to an ever changing regulatory and competitive landscape. Wasteful costs must be eliminated while risk exposures are managed and client relationships are strengthened. Firms who can quickly analyze and adapt to market fluctuations and macroeconomic conditions are most likely to succeed.
Using Qlik Analytics Platform, leading securities and investments firms worldwide can:
Improve understanding of market risk, credit risk and intra-day liquidity
Identify cost reduction opportunities and manage expenses
Maximize effectiveness and profitability of trading
Analyze portfolio and multi asset class investment performance
Provide external clients with powerful self service analytics
Optimize trade-life-cycles and streamline operations
Compliment your existing BI investment with Qlik Sense
Every securities and investments firm has one or more traditional BI products in place. However, firms typically leverage those products for just managed reporting, since business users require a more agile, easy-to-use BI solution that provides true self-service Business Discovery capabilities. Learn why such a large number of securities and investments firms are adopting Qlik Sense.